Composting Feasibility Study
ECC is partnering with the Vanderburgh County Solid Waste District to conduct a feasibility study for a municipal composting program.

GT Environmental Consulting, Inc. is collecting local data on organic waste streams and disposal methods to study the feasibility of a community-wide composting program for all of Vanderburgh County. The study will analyze current and future waste streams, potential compost yard locations, compost product markets, startup costs, and models of operations. The study will provide specific actual data to inform local decisions on when, where, and how to start a composting program, and improve our competitiveness for grant funding.
A composting operation is needed to divert organic waste from the landfill and serve as a more responsible and sustainable disposal solution. It would have the potential to store, process and recycle organic waste such as leaves, grass clippings, and tree limbs and trunks originating from municipal, commercial, and residential land management and storm debris. Composted organic waste could provide county residents with valuable products such as compost, mulch, and firewood.
Other Projects
Here are some additional projects that Evansville Climate Collaborative has led to serve the Evansville community.

Composting Feasibility Study
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Municipal Fleet Audits
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Municipal Building Energy Audits
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